Welcome to Chaosc’s documentation!


This documentation can be read online here: http://derlivecode.github.com/chaosc. You can also generate this in a lot of different output formats with sphinx, e.g pdf:

cd chaosc/docs
make latexpdf

The git repository is hosted by github here: https://github.com/DerLiveCode/chaosc


This documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Chaosc is licensed under the GPL-3.


The chaosc framework was developed for a theatre project called “Der Live-Code”. It consists of several tools and a custom OSC library.

Chaosc itself is a osc hub/proxy, which takes osc messages and delivers them to subscribed receivers via UDP, written with two goals in mind.

  • speed and low forwarding jitter
  • easy to use

For the sake of speed, we’ve completely rewritten the OSC.py lib. The usage is more streamlined, but also more error prone for using false type-tagged data in arguments, little type checking is done here. So devs working with the code are on their own to use the osc classes sanely, but it’s bleeding fast. There is a version written with cython for c level speed, and a fall-back pure python library. Below we’ll prove, that it’s also easy to use.

For now it supports the OSC 1.0 spec, and is optimized for UDP only. TCP is not supported. Chaosc runs in dualstack mode which have to be ironed out a bit more.

Tools overview


The multi unicast osc proxy


command line tool to control chaosc


test script to create n parallel osc senders


test script to create n parallel osc receivers


tool to filter and transcode osc messages by matching regular expressions on the osc address


tool to transcode data coming from a serial input into osc messages and vis versa. Used as a middleware for a gefen 4x4 hdmi video matrix, which sends its state back via serial on a routing change and a jazzmutant Lemur. The Lemur gefen control sketch can also be retrieved via the ‘DerLiveCode’ organization page on github.


tool to test the chaosc_serial client without serial hardware


tool to record and replay osc messages like an audio recorder. In case that hub_address equals forward_address, no data will be forwarded in record or bypass mode.

Additionally there is a simple visual monitoring tool for chaosc written in java/processing.org, which can be found via https://github.com/DerLiveCode.



Dependencies should be automatically pulled in when installing chaosc. If you prefer using another installation method for the dependencies, install these packages.

  • python-2.7.x
  • cython
  • pyserial

Installation using easy_install or pip

easy_install -Z git://github.com/DerLiveCode/chaosc.git

Manual Installation

Obtaining the repository:

git clone git://github.com/DerLiveCode/chaosc.git

Change current directory to your copy of chaosc:

cd chaosc

Install into system path:

sudo python setup.py install

Local developer mode installation:

sudo python setup.py develop

For more information about setup.py commands:

python setup.py --help-commands


Basic Usage

Let’s check which flags our new tools understand:

chaosc -h
chaosc_ctl -h
chaosc_ts -h
chaosc_tt -h
chaosc_filter -h
chaosc_serial -h
chaosc_serial_input -h

Start your instance with a string token and a port of your choice. The token will be needed later. The right one must be appended to ctl messages to prove you are authorzied to control chaosc. It’s perhaps a good idea to use screen or another terminal multiplexer. After every code snipped you have to detach from the session if you use screen or open another terminal:

screen -U
chaosc -p 12345 -t foobar
# detach from screen session

To get other receivers subscribed, use the chaosc_ctl tool or create an osc message and send it to chaosc. The ctl commands are explained below in detail. Fire now up your senders and receivers on your own and skip the next shell code or use the test tools to start e.g 4 receivers beginning from port 13000 to 13003:

screen -U
chaosc_tt -H -p 12345 -o -r 13000 -t foobar -s -n 4
# detach from screen session

Pick another shell and start e.g 4 senders beginning from port 14000 to 14003:

screen -U
chaosc_ts -H localhost -p 12345 -n 4
# detach from screen session

We have created 4 test senders which get every osc message delivered to all 4 test receivers. Our receivers managed to subscribe to chaosc on their own by using the -s flag.

Now we want to test our serial tools. If you have no real serial device yet, you can create a pts pair. We’ll use socat for that task:

skoegl@workstation ~ % screen -U
skoegl@workstation ~ % sudo socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=1 pty,raw,echo=1
2013/01/22 18:53:26 socat[28831] N PTY is /dev/pts/4
2013/01/22 18:53:26 socat[28831] N PTY is /dev/pts/5
2013/01/22 18:53:26 socat[28831] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [5,5]
# detach from screen session

Use one pts node for the chaosc_filter and one for the chaosc_serial_input. To test the serial line, we need a running osc receiver or chaosc_tt and then the chaosc_serial tool. Let’s start our serial tool:

screen -U
chaosc_serial -i /dev/pts/4 -o localhost -r 11000 -H localhost -p 13000 -c ~/foobar_config
# detach from screen session

And our serial test tool:

screen -U
chaosc_serial_input -o /dev/pts/5
# detach from screen session

Ways of subcription

Up-Front file based configuration

You place your subscriptions in a file called targets.config in your chaosc config directory you specify with the cli flag “-c path/to/your/cfg_dir”. The cli flag -s loads your targets.conf file.

Each line represents one recipient and should be of the form “host=foo;port=bar;label=baz”.

Using the command line control client

Let’s use the chaosc_ctl tool to subscribe a Lemur:

chaosc_ctl 12345 -t foobar subscribe 9999

Or the same configured up-front in the target.config file:


And after our session we want to be nice users and remove the lemur from chaosc subscription:

chaosc_ctl -H -p 12345 -t foobar unsubscribe 9999

Using OSC messages

By sending a ‘(un-)subscribe’ osc message. See OSC control interface for more information about using osc messages to control chaosc.

Advanced usage

Filtering and transcoding osc messages

If you want to filter osc messages with regular expressions on the osc addresses, you can do so with the help of chaosc_filter. You have a white-list and a blacklist. Look into the example config file ‘filter.config’. There you can put a regular expression on each line prefixed with ‘white-list=’ or ‘black-list=’. The filter will load and use them. The white-list will be evaluated first, then the blacklist. So, if you use a filter tool, you should not subscribe the receiving client to which filtered messages gets forwarded, and subscribe your filter instance instead.

You can also transcode or modify osc messages as you like, but this is a bit more tricky. Look into transcoders.py how to implement custom ones. We have also implemented some transcoders for our tasks. e.g to change the osc address for a osc2midi device, extracting some integer data from the osc address, map all floating point arguments to the midi value space from 0-127, and finally use some of the matched data as new arguments. The configuration takes place in a real python file located at config/transcoding_config.py.

Also the filtering client can dump messages for monitoring purposes. If you provide the dump_only flag, it will not forward anything, just dumps the receiving messages.

Here is an example to start chaosc_filter:

screen -U
chaosc_filter -H -p 12345 -o -r 14000 -f -F 12000 -t foobar -d -c ~/foobar_config
# detach from screen session


The mapper attribute

You want to have full control, which data will be used for the new OSCMessage. So we need a parameterized way to reference arguments in the old message, groups from the regular expression match, transcoder members.

The ‘regex’ parameter holds the string used to match against the osc address. Groups you match can be used in the mapper.

‘to_fmt’ is the string format template used by str.format

The mapper is an iterable of iterables aka a mapping clause with 5 items. Each mapping clause has the form [“from_directive”, “from_value”, “to_directive”, “to_value”, “format_directive”]

Here are the from_directives:

transcoder object member. The from_value must be object member name string
must be a usable regular expression. The from_value must be a index in the match group
The from_value must be a index in the old osc message args list

And the to_directives:

the data mapped should be in the new osc message as arg at position ‘to_value’
the data mapped should be in the new osc address as format arg at position ‘to_value’

The from_value and to_value kann be a string as used as an attribute name usable by getattr or an integer used as an positional index.

The format_directive has to be an registered function in transcoders:converters:

  • midi
  • int
  • float
  • str
  • unicode

OSC control interface

You can use custom OSCMessages to control chaosc or to get operational stats.


The last typetagged argument “label’ is optional.

Osc address
host to subscribe, port to subscribe, chaosc token, label
No response is send by chaosc


Osc address
subcribed host, subcribed port, chaosc token
No response is send by chaosc


Osc address
response host, response port, chaosc token

A OSCBundle with a list of OSCMessages.

  1. a set of subscribed clients aka targets
    • osc address “/st”
    • typetags “sid”
    • args (host, subscription label, msg_count, timestamp of last hit)
  2. a set of senders aka sources
    • osc address “/ss”
    • typetags “sid”
    • args (host, msg_count, timestamp of last hit)
  3. a set of routes from sources to targets
    • osc address “/sr”
    • typetags “ssid” and args
    • args (src_host, dst_host, msg_count, timestamp of last hit)
  4. an empty osc message to signal end of stats
    • osc address “/se”


makes chaosc_filter to activate filters for scene id.

Osc address
scene id
No response is send by chaosc_filter


makes chaosc_filter to activate filters for the following scene id.

Osc address
No response is send by chaosc_filter


makes chaosc_filter to activate filters for the previous scene id.

Osc address
No response is send by chaosc_filter


This module implements a osc hub/proxy

class chaosc.chaosc.Chaosc(result)

A multi-unicast osc application level gateway

Multiplexes osc messages from osc sources to subscribed targets.

Targets will receive messages after they are subscribed to chaosc. You can also use a targets.config file for static subscriptions.


Loads predefined subcriptions from a file in given config directory

Parameters:path (str) – the directory in which the targets.config file resists
_Chaosc__proxy_handler(packet, client_address)

Sends incoming osc messages to subscribed receivers

_Chaosc__stats_handler(addr, tags, data, client_address)

Sends a osc bundle with subscribed clients and statistical data for monitoring and visualization usage.

_Chaosc__subscription_handler(addr, typetags, args, client_address)

handles a target subscription.

The provided ‘typetags’ equals [“s”, “i”, “s”, “s”] and ‘args’ contains [host, portnumber, token, label] or [“s”, “i”, “s”] and ‘args’ contains [host, portnumber, token]

only subscription requests with valid host and token will be granted.

_Chaosc__unsubscription_handler(address, typetags, args, client_address)

Handle the actual unsubscription

The provided ‘typetags’ equals [“s”, “i”, “s”] and ‘args’ contains [host, portnumber, token]

Only unsubscription requests with valid host and token will be granted.


Instantiate an OSCServer. server_address ((host, port) tuple): the local host & UDP-port the server listens on

  • server_address (tuple) – (host, port) to listen on
  • token (str) – token used to authorize ctl commands

Returns a string containing this Server’s Class-name, software-version and local bound address (if any)

add_handler(address, callback)

Registers a handler for an OSC-address

  • address (str) – the OSC address-string. It should start with ‘/’ and may not contain ‘*’
  • callback (method or function) – is the procedure called for incoming OSCMessages that equals address.

The callback-function must accept four arguments (str addr, tuple typetags, tuple args, tuple client_address), as returned by decode_osc.


Returns a (host,port) tuple of the local address this server is bound to or None if not bound to any address.

process_request(request, client_address)

Handle incoming requests


Remove the registered handler for the given OSC-address

Parameters:address (str) – the OSC address-string. It should start with ‘/’ and may not contain ‘*’
sendto(msg, address)

Send the given OSCMessage to the specified address.

  • msg (OSCMessage or OSCBundle) – the message to send
  • address (tuple) – (host, port) of receiving osc server
Except :

OSCError when timing out while waiting for the socket.

chaosc.osc_chaosc and chaosc.c_osc_lib

This is a pure python osc lib implementation. This software is based on OSC.py, but was heavily modified and streamlined. There is also a cython based implementation, which should be prefered named c_osc_lib.pyx.

Use this import statement to be sure to get the c lib:

    from chaosc.c_osc_lib import *
except ImportError:
    from chaosc.osc_lib import *


To use this library, you should have some basic knowledge how the OSC container format works. An OSCMessage is like a binary container or a list. It has a header, and some optional payload of heterogenous data. You can store arguments in the payload, but not OSCMessages. There also are OSCBundles. These are defined recursively as a container of OSCBundles and or OSCMessages. Never put an OSCMessage in an OSCMessage or a raw argument in an OSCBundle.

Supported argument types

  • 32 bit integer
  • 32-bit float
  • 64-bit long
  • 64-bit double
  • variable length string with length annotation
  • variable length blob with length annotation
exception chaosc.osc_lib.OSCError

Base Class for all OSC-related errors


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

exception chaosc.osc_lib.OSCBundleFound

Marker Class for OSC Bundles


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class chaosc.osc_lib.OSCMessage(address)

Builds typetagged OSC messages.

An OSCMessage is a container object used for construction of osc messages. On the ‘front’ end, they behave much like list-objects, and when needed they generate a OSC 1.1 spec compliant binary representation.

OSC-messages consist of an ‘address’-string (not to be confused with a (host, port) IP-address!), followed by a string of ‘typetags’ which indicates the arguments’ types, and finally the arguments themselves, encoded in an OSC-specific way.

On the Python end, OSCMessage are lists of arguments, prepended by the message’s address. The message contents can be manipulated much like a list:

>>> msg = OSCMessage("/my/osc/address")
>>> msg.append('something')
>>> msg.insert(0, 'something else')
>>> msg[1] = 'entirely'
>>> msg.extend([1,2,3.])
>>> msg.appendTypedArg(4, "i")
>>> msg.appendTypedArg(5, "i")
>>> msg.append(6.)
>>> del msg[3:6]
>>> msg.pop(-2)
>>> print msg
/my/osc/address ['something else', 'entirely', 1, 6.0]
>>> binary = encode_osc(msg)
>>> print repr(binary)
'/my/osc/address\x00,ssif\x00\x00\x00something else\x00\x00entirely\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01@\xc0\x00\x00'
>>> msg2 = decode_osc(binary, 0, len(binary))
>>> print repr(msg2)
('/my/osc/address', ['s', 's', 'i', 'f'], ['something else', 'entirely', 1, 6.0])

Additional convenient methods exist for retrieving typetags or manipulating items as (typetag, value) tuples.

It’s perfectly ok to directly access the object members, but it’s up to you to keep typetags and args in sync.

Best practice for performance is to create your OSCMessage and store the binary representation in a variable and reuse it whenever possible. We’re also played with a simple representation cache, but decided against it. It’s really simple to implement one with annotations, subclassing or simply fork and hack straight into this module.


string which holds the messages’ osc address. This attribute can be changed directly.


list which holds the messages’ typetags.


list which holds the messages’ arguments.

To construct a timetagged collection of multiple OSCMessages, see OSCBundle!


Test if the given value appears in the OSCMessage’s arguments

Parameters:argument (str or int or float or double) – the argument to check for presence
Return type:bool

Removes the indicated argument

Parameters:index (int) – the position
__delslice__(index, end)

Removes the indicated slice

  • index (int) – the position
  • end (int) – the end

Returns True if two OSCMessages have the same address & content

Parameters:other (OSCMessage) – the osc message to compare
Return type:bool

Returns the indicated argument (or slice)

Parameters:index (int) – the position
Returns:the argument at position ‘index’
Return type:str or int or float or double

Instantiate a new OSCMessage. The OSC-address can be specified with the ‘address’ argument. The rest of the arguments are appended as data.

Parameters:address (str) – osc address string

Returns an iterator of the OSCMessage’s arguments

Return type:iterator

Returns the number of arguments this message contains

Return type:int

Returns True if two OSCMessages have not the same address or content

Parameters:other (OSCMessage) – the osc message to compare
Return type:bool

Returns a string containing the decode Message

Return type:str

Returns a reverse iterator of the OSCMessage’s arguments

Return type:iterator
__setitem__(index, arguments)

Set indicatated argument (or slice) to a new value. ‘val’ can be a single int/float/string, or a (typehint, value) tuple. Or, if ‘i’ is a slice, a list of these or another OSCMessage.

  • index (int) – the position
  • arguments (str or int or float or double) – the position

Returns the Message’s address and contents as a string.

Return type:str

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Appends _one_ argument to the message.

The typetag is inferred from the argument’s type. If the argument is a blob (counted string) pass in ‘b’ as typetag.

Parameters:argument (str or int or float or double) – a item to store in the message
appendTypedArg(argument, typetag)

Appends a typed argument to the message.

If the argument is a blob (counted string) pass in ‘b’ as typetag. Prefer this method above append().

  • argument (str or int or float or double) – the item to store in the message
  • typetag (str) – a 1-char typetag representation defined in osc spec

clears all attributes to factory state and sets the address

Parameters:address (str) – osc address

Returns the count a given value occurs in the OSCMessage’s arguments

Return type:int

Returns the binary representation of the message

Parameters:self (OSCMessage) – the OSCMessage to encode
Return type:str

Append the contents of ‘arguments’ to this OSCMessage. ‘values’ a list/tuple of ints/floats/strings

Parameters:arguments (tuple) – the arguments to append
extendTypedArgs(typetags, arguments)

Extents this OSCMessage with the given arguments.

Prefer this method above extend().

  • typetags (tuple) – the typetags to append
  • arguments (tuple) – the arguments to append

Returns the index of the first occurence of the given value.

Parameters:argument (str or int or float or double) – value to find in args
Raises :ValueError if val isn’t found
Return type:int
insert(index, argument)

Insert given argument into the OSCMessage at the given index.

The typetag will be inferred.

  • index (int) – the position
  • argument (str or int or float or double) – the argument to insert
insertTypedArg(index, argument, typetag)

Insert a typed argument at the given index.

  • index (int) – the position
  • argument (str or int or float or double) – the argument to insert
  • typetag (str) – a 1-char typetag representation defined in osc spec

Returns a list of (typetag, value) tuples for the arguments appended so far

Return type:list

Deletes the given argument from the OSCMessage, and returns it.

Parameters:argument (str or int or float or double) – the argument to insert
Return type:str or int or float or double

Deletes the given argument from the OSCMessage, and returns it.

Parameters:argument (str or int or float or double) – the argument to insert
Returns:(typetag, argument)
Return type:tuple

Removes the first argument with the given value from the OSCMessage.

Parameters:argument (str or int or float or double) – the argument to insert
Return type:ValueError if argument isn’t found.

Reverses the arguments of the OSCMessage (in place)


Returns a list of typetags of the appended arguments

Return type:list of str

Returns a list of the arguments appended so far

Return type:list
class chaosc.osc_lib.OSCBundle(timetag=0.0)

Builds a ‘bundle’ of OSC messages.

OSCBundles are list objects for building binary osc containers for more than one message or bundle. They are defined recursively, so a bundle can hold more bundles or osc messages.

OSCBundle have some limitations, but there are not enforced!:
  • an argument must be an OSCMessage or an OSCBundle

  • an OSCBundle does not have an address on its own, only the contained

    OSC-messages do.

  • OSC-bundles have a timetag to tell the receiver when the bundle should

    be processed. The default timetag value (0) means ‘immediately’.


Return True if two OSCBundles have the same timetag & content


Instantiate a new OSCBundle.

  • address (str) – osc address
  • time (float) – positive timetag in seconds

Returns the Bundle’s contents (and timetag, if nonzero) as a string.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Appends an OSCMessage

Any newly created OSCMessage inherits the OSCBundle’s address at the time of creation.

Parameters:osc_message (OSCMessage) – the osc message to append

Returns the binary representation of the message

Returns:the binary representation
Return type:str

Return the TimeTag as a human-readable string

Returns:a human readable timetag representation
Return type:str

Set or change the OSCBundle’s TimeTag

Parameters:time (float) – floating seconds since the Epoch, must be positive
chaosc.osc_lib.proxy_decode_osc(data, start, end)

Converts a binary OSC message to a Python list.


Convert a string into a zero-padded OSC String. The length of the resulting string is always a multiple of 4 bytes. The string ends with 1 to 4 zero-bytes (‘’)

Parameters:argument (str) – the string to encode
Return type:str
chaosc.osc_lib.decode_osc(data, start, end)

Converts a binary OSC message to a Python list.

  • data (str) – the binary representation of an osc message
  • start (int) – position to start parsing
  • end (int) – length of data

osc_address, typetags, args

Return type:



class chaosc.simpleOSCServer.SimpleOSCServer(server_address)

A simple osc server/client to build upon our tools.

Subscribes to chaosc if you want.


Compare function.


Instantiate an OSCServer. server_address ((host, port) tuple): the local host & UDP-port the server listens on


Compare function.

addMsgHandler(address, callback)

Register a handler for an OSC-address - ‘address’ is the OSC address-string. the address-string should start with ‘/’ and may not contain ‘*’ - ‘callback’ is the function called for incoming OSCMessages that match ‘address’. The callback-function will be called with the same arguments as the ‘msgPrinter_handler’ below


Returns a (host,port) tuple of the local address this server is bound to, or None if not bound to any address.


Stops serving requests, closes server (socket), closes used client


connects as a sending client to another server


Remove the registered handler for the given OSC-address

dispatchMessage(address, tags, args, packet, client_address)

Dispatches messages to a callback or a default msg handler, which should be registered with “X” as osc address.

If you don’t need message dispatching, you can also overwrite the SimpleOSCServer.process_request() inherited from BaseServer


Sends a osc message or bundle the server conntected to by connect()

sendto(msg, address)

Send the given OSCMessage to the specified address.

  • msg (OSCMessage or OSCBundle) – the message to send
  • address (tuple) – (host, port) of receiving osc server
Except :

OSCError when timing out while waiting for the socket.

subscribe_me(chaosc_address, receiver_address, token, name=None)

Use this procedure for a quick’n dirty subscription to your chaosc instance.

  • chaosc_address (tuple) – (chaosc_host, chaosc_port)
  • receiver_address (tuple) – (host, port)
  • token (str) – token to get authorized for subscription



This module implements the standalone filtering tool in the chaosc framework.

It uses the chaosc osc_lib but does not depend on chaosc features, so it can be used with other osc compatible gear.

We provide here osc message filtering based on python regex defined in a file and a very flexible transcoding toolchain, but it’s up to your python skills to master them. The TranscoderBaseHandler subclasses should be defined in the appropriate python module you place in the config directory. Please refer for a howto/examples to our comprehensive docs or look into the provided example transcoding.py file.

class chaosc.chaosc_filter.FilterOSCServer(result)

OSC filtering/transcoding middleware


ctor for filter server

starts the server, loads scene filters and transcoders and chooses the request handler, which is one of forward only, forward and dump, dump only.

Parameters:result (namespace object) – return value of argparse.parse_args

Adds a transcoder to chaosc.

Parameters:handler (ITranscoderHandler) – an TranscoderBaseHandler implementation
dispatchMessage(osc_address, typetags, args, packet, client_address)

Handles this filtering, transcoding steps and forwards the result

  • osc_address (str) – the OSC address string.
  • typetags (list) – the typetags of args
  • args (list) – the osc message args
  • packet (str) – the binary representation of a osc message
  • client_address (tuple) – (host, port) of the requesting client
dump_handler(osc_address, typetags, args, packet, client_address)

Handles this filtering, transcoding steps and forwards the result

  • osc_address (str) – the OSC address string.
  • typetags (list) – the typetags of args
  • args (list) – the osc message args
  • packet (str) – the binary representation of a osc message
  • client_address (tuple) – (host, port) of the requesting client
dump_only_handler(osc_address, typetags, args, packet, client_address)

Handles this filtering, transcoding steps and forwards the result

  • osc_address (str) – the OSC address string.
  • typetags (list) – the typetags of args
  • args (list) – the osc message args
  • packet (str) – the binary representation of a osc message
  • client_address (tuple) – (host, port) of the requesting client

Indices and tables